2021-10-29 20:09:39
工商管理专业(Master of Business Administration/MBA)涵盖了从人力资源到财务会计到管理客户服务以及营销和促销的方方面面。作业大神准备了一些有趣的工商管理论文主题的列表,您可以根据自己感兴趣的领域选择合适的工商管理论文题目或工商管理研究课题。作业大神专业作家团队可以帮助您对您选择的工商管理研究课题、工商管理项目课题和工商管理研究课题制定代写方案。
工商管理专业(Master of Business Administration/MBA)涵盖了从人力资源到财务会计到管理客户服务以及营销和促销的方方面面。作业大神准备了一些有趣的工商管理论文主题的列表,您可以根据自己感兴趣的领域选择合适的工商管理论文题目或工商管理研究课题。作业大神专业作家团队可以帮助您对您选择的工商管理研究课题、工商管理项目课题和工商管理研究课题制定代写方案。
- An analysis of the business management practices in the global world reviewing the opportunities and challenges.
- 对全球商业管理实践的分析,回顾机遇和挑战。
- Examining the development initiatives in the context of micro-enterprise performance and sustainability.
- 在微型企业绩效和可持续性的背景下检查发展举措。
- Evaluation of the entrepreneurial skills and growth of SMEs: a comparative analysis.
- 中小企业创业技能与成长评价:比较分析。
- An analysis of the research agenda on open innovation and entrepreneurship: a co-word analysis.
- 开放式创新和创业研究议程分析:共词分析。
- A literature review on different innovative business models and their impact.
- 关于不同创新商业模式及其影响的文献综述。
- Studying the determinants of innovative performance in the service industry.
- 研究服务业创新绩效的决定因素。
- Evaluation of the impact of marketing innovation on the competitiveness of enterprises in the context of the food industry.
- 食品行业背景下营销创新对企业竞争力影响的评价[J].
- An analysis of the effect of business partnership and innovation management on business performance.
- 商业伙伴关系和创新管理对企业绩效的影响分析。
- A review of the literature on digitalisation, innovation, and sustainable practices – past achievements and future promises.
- 关于数字化、创新和可持续实践的文献回顾——过去的成就和未来的承诺。
- Studying and comparing the proposed themes and potential ideas for a business plan.
- 研究和比较商业计划的拟议主题和潜在想法。
- A study of the relationship between business and sustainability.
- 商业与可持续性之间关系的研究。
- Exploring the concepts of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility conducting a bibliometric analysis.
- 通过文献计量分析探索可持续发展和企业社会责任的概念。
- Examining the themes of entrepreneurship discourse.
- 考察创业话语的主题。
- An analysis of the importance of sustainability innovation in the context of small businesses.
- 对小型企业背景下可持续性创新重要性的分析。
- A study of the confronting gap between motivation and capacity.
- 对动机和能力之间面临的差距的研究。
- Studying the relevance of advancing technology and artificial intelligence in a business context.
- 研究在商业环境中推进技术和人工智能的相关性。
- Analysing the cloud computing research by studying the themes, frameworks, and methods.
- 通过研究主题、框架和方法来分析云计算研究。
- To study the product-service systems business models for circular supply chains.
- 研究循环供应链的产品服务系统商业模式。
- Identifying human resource management factors in international mergers and acquisitions.
- 识别国际并购中的人力资源管理因素。
- Exploring the impact of high-performance human resources practices on in-role and innovative job performance.
- 探索高绩效人力资源实践对在职和创新工作绩效的影响。
- An evaluation of the ethical dilemma related to employee recruitment outsourcing.
- 与员工招聘外包相关的道德困境评估。
- Studying the impact of e-recruitment on the effectiveness of HR departments in multinational corporations.
- 研究电子招聘对跨国公司人力资源部门效率的影响。
- A study on digitalisation and its influence on business model innovation.
- 数字化及其对商业模式创新的影响研究。
- Examining the branding in the digital age based on innovation and responsibility.
- 基于创新和责任研究数字时代的品牌塑造。
- Analysing the impact of digitalisation on the speed of internationalisation.
- 分析数字化对国际化速度的影响。
- Studying the effects of modern office technology on management practices.
- 研究现代办公技术对管理实践的影响。
- An analysis of the current and future technologies on relationship marketing.
- 关系营销的当前和未来技术分析。
- Exploring the macroeconomic factors that influence business practices.
- 探索影响商业行为的宏观经济因素。
- A content analysis of the strategic management studies in the last 10 years.
- 近十年来战略管理研究的内容分析。
以上就是工商管理专业(Master of Business Administration/MBA)题目整理的清单,论文题目的选择是写论文至关重要的第一步,只有确定了有研究价值的题目才能写出一篇真正有意义的研究文献。如果您还有任何关于工商管理专业Master of Business Administration/MBA论文的疑问,随时联系作业大神的客服!我们为您提供完整的论文代写服务。