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 2021-08-23 10:42:08      

写学术论文的时候如何去评估不一样的观点。 观点是学术论文的灵魂和统帅。一篇论文如果在观点上有失误,立论的根基不稳,其价值如何或有无价值,就值得怀疑了。 我们通常要根据作业instruction要求去写作自己的观点,有赞同的有批判的,如果你在这类作业中遇到难题欢迎选择我们作业大神的代写assignment服务。

写学术论文的时候如何去评估不一样的观点。 观点是学术论文的灵魂和统帅。一篇论文如果在观点上有失误,立论的根基不稳,其价值如何或有无价值,就值得怀疑了。 我们通常要根据作业instruction要求去写作自己的观点,有赞同的有批判的,如果你在这类作业中遇到难题欢迎选择我们作业大神的代写assignment服务。



 评估不一样的观点 Evaluating different views




1.在具体场景(the given context)和具体目的(the given purpose)下对材料或者观点做出评判(judgment)。

2.根据一套标准(a set of criteria)对信息,观点的效度(validity of ideas)或者 文章质量做出评判。





 评估案例(Evaluation Sample)




Cameron (2006) maintains that we could probably become far more healthy by the simple expedient of 'going back in time' in terms of some of our daily activity. We could use a bicycle, walk, or run rather than use a car, bus, or train. Of course, we could all do more domestic tasks by hand rather than using electrically operated gadgets. However, this approach has too many problems to be appealing. After the luxury of labour-saving devices it is just too tedious to go back to the old ways. Also, this is not the most efficient way to build up and maintain a reasonable level of physical fitness. We actually only need to plan three or four exercise sessions a week in order to become fit.


我们可以看出作者要评论的观点是:Cameron (2006) maintains that we could probably become far more healthy by the simple expedient of going back in time' in terms of some of our daily activity. We could use a bicycle, walk, or run rather than use a car, bus, or train.

正面评估:Of course, we could all do more domestic tasks by hand rather than using electrically operated gadgets.

负面评估:However, this approach has too many problems to be appealing. After the luxury of labour-saving devices it is just too tedious to go back to the old ways. Also, this is not the most efficient way to build up and maintain a reasonable level of physical fitness. We actually only need to plan three or four exercise sessions a week in order to become fit.




评估语言(Evaluation Language)

1. 展示观点 present ideas

2.正面观点 positive ideas

3. 负面观点 negative ideas

4. 展示一个研究空白 Indicating a research gap


 总结 Conclusion




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